291. Turbulence Ahead

Marriage is not for the weak hearted. However, it remains to this day the best decision I’ve ever made, to propose to this girl in an ornate pool in a temperate city in a beautiful South Asian country. At the beginning of the trip to this different corner of our known world, I had no idea I was going to pop the question. But pop went the question in my head and it was one of the most pervasive and intrusive thoughts I’ve had. I bought a 5 cent ring and proposed to her immediately. Navigating these 8 years has been a learning opportunity for the both of us, as we have grown and the world around us has arguably grown as well. Thinking and reacting about how your spouse is feeling while realizing how you are feeling and what your surrounding loved ones are feeling would be a challenge for artificial intelligence and we’re just meat puppets with small buffers! Finding someone for whom you are willing to endure these kind of mental gymnastics is the biggest privilege I’ve ever kn...