288. Old Spice

Sex appeal is a construct. There’s no further proof needed for this than our own experiences. As we’ve aged together I’ve noticed how sexuality has changed with us. At present, I believe some of Roxanne’s erogenous zones include literal zones of cleanliness and order in the house. As for me, I have never been attracted to a woman more than when I saw my wife protectively yelling at the owners of an unleashed dog that was about to attack our pups. She’s such a badass and I love her when she stands up for herself. Like the hairs-on-my-arm-raise love. Neither of those things were in the equation when we were playing the field, back in the day.

For those of you who’ve been married a long time, have you thought what it would be like to be single again? I know for a fact that for some married peeps fantasize about it, but in my case, I dread that imaginary situation with intensity. Dating was awkward as heck for me. To get to the appropriate level of socialization needed for me to approach women, I had to drink a lot. And the result wasn’t an approachable guy, it was a drunk guy. Over the years I’ve learned that it was a problematic approach for so many reasons. In reality, without substance abuse, I tend to be a pretty introverted person. However, I usually get along really well with people more extroverted than I. So where does an introvert go to meet others without the assistance of substances? I literally have no idea. I wouldn’t know where to start. Besides, having been to the Everest that is Roxanne would there even be any motivation? Do astronauts look for other moons after they’ve been to one?

Anyway, what you found exciting in your twenties is so different than what you want later in life. Fully formed humans with an accurate and ever growing knowledge of self and society were not in the market. At least not the markets I stumbled to.

And yes, I have fixed some things! I’ve fixed my dishwasher successfully twice and unsuccessfully once and my washing machine successfully once. I’m not a handy man but I do give things a good ole college try. With YouTube of course. 


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