Showing posts from January, 2019
64. A nation of addicts
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If you had already demonized the Covington kids before reading. If you laugh at "we need us some climate change up in here". If your feeds include the Huffington Post or the Drudge Report. You may be addicted! Some tips: -Every once in a while, read an article from a smart person you don't agree with (Yes, they exist). -Don't read articles whose title are meant to excite you: "Trump is a conman" "Climate Change Scientist admits he's wrong" -Look at the sources when broad claims are made. Don't assume they are right just because you agree with them. We've all screwed up in this world of information overload. Be aware of what you do when you repost, or even click on an article. May we be cleansed! Bonus: Look how this post in reddit created a massive backlash!
59. Buggatarians
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You know they are coming for dinner one day! The first thing they'll let you know is that it's actually called entomophagy. This article is worth a read ... "My first meal taught me that crickets taste like dirt." "I woke up feeling depressed."But then I threw it up and continued to cry." Just the kind of reactions I fear!
51. Piled On
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From the vantage point of this respite I'm having from depression, thanks to therapy, medication and love; I can describe a bit how it felt. Not only does it not help knowing that you have 'no reason to be depressed', that knowledge is part of the stereophonic,self-hating dialogue that keeps you depressed. Guilt and depression like to hang out together, but the truth is that depression doesn't care about success. So don't be too hard on the successful depressed, their suffering is likely as real as anybody's.
50. Psychology 101
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This is not original material. Someone told me a version of this joke back in 1999 when I was starting my studies in psychology. It was a great way to learn about the different disciplines, in a caricaturization. My chosen discipline is behaviorism, which focuses on behavior and the environment. We don’t know or worry much about what happens in that little noggin of ours, we mostly care about our overt behavior and the observable conditions that change it. It is perfect for me, as I find that the soft squishy feely feely stuff is hard to understand, control and replicate. And no, I don't mean penis when saying "soft squishy feely feely".
46. Prepositions Part 1: A Twinkle in Time
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If you are a native English speaker, this may not weird you as it does English-as-a-second-language folks. We don’t make the distinction between in-on in Spanish, we can use other prepositions (inside/ atop) to guide us. Things get funny with English, specially when dealing with abstract concepts. How can I always be "on time", but "in time I will learn something"? What dictates these functions? It’s madness I say! More tomorrow.
45. It gets emotional
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This isn't about boys and girls. My mother is not famous for her emotional literacy, and I love her to pieces. I have met men who leave most women in the dust when it comes to describing their emotional landscape. However, it is a characteristic in which people vary. I am trying to learn, to become better with my words. The emotional wheel observed here is based on the Junto wheel , if you are curious about it please mosey on to their website and discover.