
Showing posts with the label Miscellaneous

83. The Conways

Because you know there's probably already talks about doing a reality TV show with these two. Is it me or is everything that happens in the present state of United States politics making us dumber? It feels like we are constantly redefining rock bottom. We know that the religious right is a hypocritical bunch, gung-ho about abortion but silent about asylum and immigration. What I thought was the  dumbest thing about the United States, the guns, is like #12  since 2016. It has been extremely weird, but at the very least it has made people more active politically, which can only mean good things.

80. Chromatic Dementia

This has happened to me countless times. Even Goodwill and Salvation Army have been like “ya got any new colors my man?” Moving in with Roxanne and my new limited space for clothing hopefully helps.

77. Masked Elder

Goka gotha n'ghft. Nog ron Cthulhunyth Throd mnahn uh'e llll vulgtm. The Masked Singer meets HPL .

74. Dunning Kruger

Since writing this comic I saw a documentary about flat earthers. It was mildly sympathetic to the flat earthers so I feel kind of bad about this one. I still believe that the main problem is that they have too much certainty compared to the assumptions they are making. Intelligent people will always doubt themselves and unintelligent people will always be full of certainty. It’s the way it has always been. You have to wait until a certain percentage of the population is ready to receive your knowledge and them spray it all over their faces. But then, even when something has been established, you may get flat earthers and anti-vac people. We just have too many of us in the planet. I wonder what the red hat is all about?

73. Catharsis

I bet I'm not the only cat household who has had this dream. This is inspired by Khaleesi, of whom I made one of my first comics.

71. My curvy sidechick

Alternate, Lynchian ending:

62. My mom's short adventure

Lady parts do seem to make everything harder. I am more and more aware of this and I'm so sorry.

60. Digito Mori

We are leaving all kinds of different traces nowadays!

59. Buggatarians

You know they are coming for dinner one day! The first thing they'll let you know is that it's actually called entomophagy. This article is worth a read ... "My first meal taught me that crickets taste like dirt." "I woke up feeling depressed."But then I threw it up and continued to cry." Just the kind of reactions I fear!

56. Meta Dysmorphia

When even your creations don't measure up to their expectations!

55. Razor Thin

In all honesty though, I love the ad .

50. Psychology 101

This is not original material. Someone told me a version of this joke back in 1999 when I was starting my studies in psychology. It was a great way to learn about the different disciplines, in a caricaturization. My chosen discipline is behaviorism, which focuses on behavior and the environment. We don’t know or worry much about what happens in that little noggin of ours, we mostly care about our overt behavior and the observable conditions that change it. It is perfect for me, as I find that the soft squishy feely feely stuff is hard to understand, control and replicate. And no, I don't mean penis when saying "soft squishy feely feely".

42. Gospel

We all have a message to give. I just hope I don't end up going door to door for it.

38. Academia nuts

I got out before the last stop, but I feel it's pretty accurate!

37. It's the little things

My job is famously bereft of constant recognition, feedback or immediate tangible outcomes. So it's nice really when we do find out we didn't really ruin people's life.

34. Stereotypes

Perhaps I am a daywalker, able to barely pass as a member of both cultures?

33. Estereotipos

Besides my pale skin, there were quite a bit of elements that separated me from my fellow latinos. For one, I was the only one of my friends that craved Pop Tarts. Here are a few of those differences, but the list is longer. I am sure I am not the only one with ethnic identity gaps like this, it’s probably a very universal feeling to feel like one doesn’t belong! Template:

31. Pandora's dorks

Who are shitposters? How did we create them? Do we deserve them? Will we ever stop crapposting or giving them attention?

26. Sorry for this

Alexa, Roomba and Siri have heard me apologize. They have not acknowledged my apologies, which makes me feel a little bit weird about it.

23. It goes both ways.

I am sure that the forced conventions of organizations can be awkward for all of us. I mean, we don’t do this at the bar. Like ask people to shout out their name, position and what kind of bodily fluid they would be. It only happens in our workplace, shielded by our uncomfortable clothes and the flawed notion that there’s a reason for every meeting that we have.