
Showing posts with the label Relationships

49. I took my wife to Venezuela once

Her autumnal red hair was not the most surprising thing about her to the locals! People did ask us literally if we really meant "not even chicken".

45. It gets emotional

This isn't about boys and girls. My mother is not famous for her emotional literacy, and I love her to pieces. I have met men who leave most women in the dust when it comes to describing their emotional landscape. However, it is a characteristic in which people vary. I am trying to learn, to become better with my words. The emotional wheel observed here is based on the Junto wheel , if you are curious about it please mosey on to their website and discover.

41. There’s a special place

Lucky to find a girl that is nauseated by prescribed, mass produced messages in home decor. They would be in our hellscape for sure!

40. Mass psychosis?

Last week, I was talking about my hardships with cohabitation and the difficulty of creating the routines necessary for a succesful household. Two married men shared with me this theory they had at the beginning of their marriage. I realized that I had it too... the feeling that getting into a routine is a fastrack to death. There’s good news, though... they all shed that belief and were beaten to docility. So there’s hope for me.

32. Why we don't get invited to some parties

We come with our own record scratch

28. Troubleshooting of the sexes

Why must we be so different? In what part of my life did I get rewarded for being a mansplaining problem solver and my wife got rewarded for being empathetic and caring?

27. Cheesed

Apparently, this is something the male of the species consistently does... asking about something before putting the effort to look for it even a smidgeon prior to that.The female of the species swallows it with pride, and shows the poor bastard the way.

24. Why I married her

Every once in a while, my wife comes out with a random remark to strangers that takes everyone for surprise. I just adore her.

21. Behind the scenes

7/30/20 Update: This is my 21st comic ever! My style has changed so much since then! Welcome to my page!  Click here for the latest!  I have been drawing for over a year since this comic! Enjoy :) This comic is a callback to an earlier one. There really isn’t much up there.

18. Beachtung Baby

How did I survive so far, you ask? We may have to ask my smartphone, computers or therapists about that. Life with a rich inner monologue and imagination has been both a blessing and a curse, but it definitely led to a major breakthrough in my life: I am content with myself, by myself. So I am not afraid of loneliness as some might be.

17. Choose your own adventure

We do get questions like this from time to time. It gets a little repetitive to say the same thing always so I thought we could spruce up things!

12. Mother-son conspiracy

Mom and I take a yearly trip to somewhere of her choosing. It started as a way to connect but it has been eroding into a hedonistic ritual of whatever the opposite of detox is.

10. Adulting

Who would have thought my penchant for floor socks, chair clothes and overall chaos would have ever worked against me? It is the hardest hurdle yet and mostly because I suck. I wondered if I could duck under it, but I think I'm gonna need the big pole for this one.

9. Emotionsaurus complex

I'm always surprised, enamored, and a little jealous at how deep, profound and complex Roxanne's mind is. Mine is 95% occupied with monitoring for "that's what she said" jokes. What makes us so different? 100% of the women (and 50% of the men)  I've met have had a deeper emotional well than I have. Perhaps in many  men, any behavior related to your emotions is extinguished early in life.

2. Coagitating

My first picture of Roxanne. I still can't believe we are still married.