
13. What is this, 1925?

For some of the younger folk, the yellow device was used to call people while you were anchored to a spot. It was used heavily up to about the year 2000. Before people start blaming this quirk on technology, I was always allergic to the phone. The amount of attention you must have to hold a phone communication successfully is about 10 seconds more than I have. Personally, text and social media have been my social savior. So I ain't hating. Yet.

12. Mother-son conspiracy

Mom and I take a yearly trip to somewhere of her choosing. It started as a way to connect but it has been eroding into a hedonistic ritual of whatever the opposite of detox is.

11. Hot potato

Some of these memories are just waiting to be turned into nervous ticks.I feel like that shady guy still hasn't let go of some of my greatest hits. Like puking in a school play. Countless first dates. The time I thought I wanted to be a mouseketeer. 

10. Adulting

Who would have thought my penchant for floor socks, chair clothes and overall chaos would have ever worked against me? It is the hardest hurdle yet and mostly because I suck. I wondered if I could duck under it, but I think I'm gonna need the big pole for this one.

9. Emotionsaurus complex

I'm always surprised, enamored, and a little jealous at how deep, profound and complex Roxanne's mind is. Mine is 95% occupied with monitoring for "that's what she said" jokes. What makes us so different? 100% of the women (and 50% of the men)  I've met have had a deeper emotional well than I have. Perhaps in many  men, any behavior related to your emotions is extinguished early in life.