
49. I took my wife to Venezuela once

Her autumnal red hair was not the most surprising thing about her to the locals! People did ask us literally if we really meant "not even chicken".

48. Prepositions part 3: Khaleesi takes a knee

Nothing should be in somebody's lap! And yet, both are acceptable uses.

47. Prepositions Part 2: An Eris Mattress

You are considered to be "in the bed" when you have a flimsy fabric on? Nay, I say. Go all the way, be inside the bed. Otherwise you're on the bed.

46. Prepositions Part 1: A Twinkle in Time

If you are a native English speaker, this may not weird you as it does English-as-a-second-language folks. We don’t make the distinction between in-on in Spanish, we can use other prepositions (inside/ atop) to guide us. Things get funny with English, specially when dealing with abstract concepts. How can I always be "on time", but "in time I will learn something"? What dictates these functions? It’s madness I say! More tomorrow.

45. It gets emotional

This isn't about boys and girls. My mother is not famous for her emotional literacy, and I love her to pieces. I have met men who leave most women in the dust when it comes to describing their emotional landscape. However, it is a characteristic in which people vary. I am trying to learn, to become better with my words. The emotional wheel observed here is based on the Junto wheel , if you are curious about it please mosey on to their website and discover.