
84. Healthcare privacy act

Note: Trying out a minimalist art style for quick ones. This is an exaggeration of true events. Although HIPAA  does protect your personal information in many ways, the logistics of Healthcare make it nigh impossible to completely be private. When I got my vasectomy, we had to drop some semen samples afterwards to make double sure we got snipped correctly. Well you have to go from ,erm, production of the sample to testing within 30 minutes. I live 10 minutes away from work, thankfully. I can't imagine how people who live further away do it? Well I can, but I don't want to. When I got to the line for the lab, the nurse was like... any semen samples??? And 4 of us had to be like... yes. 2 of them I recognized from work. So it is what is. I don't care that much, but complying with it is a logistical problem more often than not.

83. The Conways

Because you know there's probably already talks about doing a reality TV show with these two. Is it me or is everything that happens in the present state of United States politics making us dumber? It feels like we are constantly redefining rock bottom. We know that the religious right is a hypocritical bunch, gung-ho about abortion but silent about asylum and immigration. What I thought was the  dumbest thing about the United States, the guns, is like #12  since 2016. It has been extremely weird, but at the very least it has made people more active politically, which can only mean good things.

82. A second visit to the adoption agency

This one has 100% less anuses references! I did this one mostly to appease my mother, who was horrified by the previous one! I chose cats. That means no leather furniture. I’ve known some people who got rid of cats because of their ruined furniture. To me these are the lowest of the low. I don’t have kids because I would be a terrible parent. But I know I can and will take care of cats very well until they die, even if they die through peeing on everything I own. It’s for life, yo!

81. Cat Adoption Agency

Some of my comics are well thought of and have a clever or emotional subtext. This one is also a comic.

80. Chromatic Dementia

This has happened to me countless times. Even Goodwill and Salvation Army have been like “ya got any new colors my man?” Moving in with Roxanne and my new limited space for clothing hopefully helps.

79. A Squashing Failure

Dear Diary, today I screwed up. I wanted to surprise my patient wife with a home cooked meal. This comic is a reenactment for artistic purposes. In reality what happened was that I used an old Blue Apron recipe card and I failed to remember that the squash came pre-cut. My wife actually came to the kitchen and when she saw the squash in the pan could not contain her laughter. I did receive a pat in the head for trying. 

78. Blinded and Tied

This weekend my brethren were literally in the dark. It’s hard being here and speaking for the ones that are left behind, but this is what it feels when people tell me Venezuela should fend for itself. Inspired by a talk with my friend Raquel. English Version: