89. Savoring Pitfalls

I don't know if you, dear readers, do this. I do, and it's a terrible habit. I do it with book series, movie shows and video games. I wonder if it is part of a bigger tendency, of people waiting until best possible moment that never arrives. How many bottles of perfectly aged wine remain unopened at the end of one's life?
Some of my unfinished projects as of this writing:

  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Mad Men
  • Malazan Books
  • Dragon Quest XI
  • Firefly (I have one episode left, it hurts too much)
  • Community
It hurts even to write these. I will update this list if I get to them!

My fatal disease of Scrotal Malware was chosen by our friend Hayley. Thanks for giving me an agonizing death! 


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